Available on Amazon

Born This Gay:

My Life of Activism, Politics, Travel, and Coming Out

Born This Gay - Peter Rosenstein

A Message from The Author

Dear Readers,

You don’t need to be rich to live a rich and full life . . . I could never have imagined at sixteen I would have a conversation with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., or that in the course of my life, meet six presidents.

As a LGBTQ activist for much of my life, it’s important for me to share my experiences with the next generation.

The advancements made by our community over the last two decades have really shaped my life – from coming out to working in politics and being a local activist in Washington, D.C. It is my hope that readers, especially young people, learn something from my life, allowing them to feel comfortable to come out, pursue their dreams, and live their life to the fullest.

I hope you enjoy the book.   The book is available in hardcover, softcover or Kindle editions.



About the Author

Born and raised in New York City, Peter Rosenstein graduated from CCNY with a BA degree in political science and a minor in education. He went on to teach in the New York City school system, and was a community activist in Harlem. Following his teaching career, he broke into politics and worked for Congresswoman Bella S. Abzug and has helped write the platforms for D.C. Mayor’s Anthony Williams, Adrian Fenty and Muriel Bowser. An avid traveler, Peter has covered most of the world-from Ibiza to the Galapagos to the coasts of Italy. This is his first book, written in the hopes of sharing his life and inspiring others to live the life that makes them most happy.

Reader Reviews

“Activism and Peter Rosenstein are synonymous with one another.”

Muriel Bowser, Mayor of Washington, D.C.

“In this delightful and engaging coming-of-age story, Peter Rosenstein takes us on a dual journey: One through the titan battle of values in America to render a more progressive and

equal nation, and, the other, one young man’s journey out of the closet in a quest to live a life of truth and authenticity.”

Elizabeth Birch, Former President, the Human Rights Campaign

“This is a must-read!   From Gloria Steinem, Shirley MacLaine and Shirley Chisholm, through a move from NYC to Washington, D.C to leading four national nonprofits and engaging so meaningfully in national (campaigning for Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama) and local politics, Peter has tremendous political acumen and executive leadership skills!”

John Kemp, Co-founder, American Association of People with Disabilities, author of Disability Friendly: How to Move from Clueless to Inclusive

Book Signing and WTOP Interview


Thursday, June 6th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Foundry United Methodist Church, Dupont Circle

Peter Rosenstein Interview + Book Signing

Peter will discuss his new book Born This Gay and will be interviewed by Jimmy Alexander
of WTOP on his new book BORN THIS GAY: My life of activism, politics, travel, and coming out.  Seating is limited.  Please register today.